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We worked in the field of food security

Food security and livelihoods

Bothoor ALkhaer Relief and Development Organization seeks to guarantee the right of every person to a standard of living appropriate to his health and well-being. This includes the right to food and livelihood protection

Food security depends on four basic pillars:

.Availability of diverse and nutritious foods.
.Physical, economic and social access to nutritious foods.
.Adequate use of nutrients consumed to maintain proper nutritional health.
. Promoting the stability of the foundations and systems on which humans depend over time.

Our expertise is in livelihoods and food security

We provide food assistance to prevent loss of life and to contribute to the rehabilitation of local food systems and markets. We promote livelihood strategies that protect, restore and enhance the capabilities of individuals and families to earn a living. To prevent recurrent displacement, we support participation in social and economic opportunities that strengthen the adaptive capacity of systems, individuals, families and communities affected by displacement.

We follow the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) definition of food security:

“Food security is achieved when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their nutritional needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. In both emergencies and protracted crises, we analyze the context and situation of livelihood vulnerability. This analysis enables us to better understand vulnerabilities, needs and preferences, which is essential for developing integrated and comprehensive responses that contribute to durable solutions. Livelihood interventions must be implemented in partnership with other sectors.

Our work in livelihoods and food security focuses on the following areas:

. Household and livelihood vulnerability analysis
. Emergency food aid
. Create local assets that reduce food insecurity and build livelihood opportunities
. School meals and gardening
. Nutritious food production systems
. Integrated management of natural resources
. Food infrastructure systems
. Employment, income generation and/or diversification
. Facilitating credit and financing
. Upstream business and value chain development
. Integrated risk reduction



We work in three areas to enable livelihoods that support durable solutions:

. Meeting basic needs/providing livelihood
Protect and stabilize affected families against further impacts of risks and crises by ensuring access to adequate and appropriate nutritious food. Providing other basic subsistence needs needed for survival.

. Protecting livelihoods
Support affected households and communities in protecting households and livelihood systems, avoiding erosion of productive assets, and supporting households and communities in restoring productive assets.

. Enhancing livelihoods
Strengthening family and community capacity to manage risks and shocks and benefit from their adaptive, financial and human capacities. Investing in durable solutions to improve economic and social well-being and dignity.

Bothoor ALkhaer Organization’s Livelihood and Food Security Strategy 2022-2027

The Bothoor ALkhaer Organization for Relief and Development’s livelihood and food security strategy aims to improve the ability of Bothoor ALkhaer to access and provide adequate, appropriate and comprehensive food and livelihood assistance to people affected by displacement. We give priority to the most vulnerable groups in the rural, urban and camp contexts in which the Bothoor ALkhaer Relief and Development Organization works.

Areas of expertise:

1.Awareness: Building awareness of human rights issues and
providing available support to them using comprehensive referral

2.Strengthening protection practices: working to reduce risks and
support vulnerable groups

3.Mainstreaming protection: developing the implementation of protection policies in project plans and monitoring the methods of their application in all programs

4.Strengthening community cohesion: “Bothoor ALkhaer” has two community centers inside Iraq, which are used in the process of integration and integration of the local community and psychological and social support.

Program projects

.The voice of the voiceless
.Community centers
.Supporting displaced people

An economic project for cotton farmers in Iraq

In light of the continuing wars, climate change, pandemics and natural disasters - multiple crises are testing our ability to withstand. In Iraq, the cultivation of cotton as an industrial agricultural crop occupies great importance in the global economy and Iraq in particular, as it plays an active role in the process of foreign trade, as it is considered one of the main fiber crops and is used in the manufacture of various tissues, cellulose paper and some chemical compounds. Edible oil is also extracted from its seeds and its remains are used as feed. Cotton cultivation is famous in Iraq, and there was a large amount of this crop. Join us to support this important sector in Iraq by financing one of the most important projects.

Food insecurity in Iraq

Food insecurity and the level of risk of food security in Iraq according to the Arab Barometer report index

Project to support small farmers in Iraq

The project to support small farmers in Iraq, which is implemented by our organization and with the support and funding of the International FAO, aims to provide seeds, fertilizers and agricultural equipment to 1,500 farmers. The project has achieved great results for this important segment in Iraq.

Supporting rural women farmers in Iraq

A program to support rural women farmers in Iraq through emergency agricultural support programs, where they produce and grow seedlings, funded by (FAO) International.

Supporting low-income women within food security and livelihood programs

A program to support low-income women in Iraq through the Food Security and Livelihoods Program, funded by FAO International

The irrigation canal rehabilitation program is one of the food security and livelihood programs

The program to support and rehabilitate irrigation channels is part of the food security and livelihood programs. Bothoor ALkhaer supports displaced Iraqis, host communities, survivors, and returnees through cash-for-work activities to provide income for life-saving necessities, with funding from FAO International.

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Bothoor ALkhaer Organization for Relief and Development